Notice of Rate Increase Proceeding 22AL-0168CP

Powderhorn Pacific, LLC, dba Powderhorn Mountain Resort filed changes to the call-and-demand charter and shuttle and fares in Passenger Tariff, Colorado PUC No. 3 on April 14, 2022, that result in increases to the existing fares for the transportation of passengers between points in Palisade, Colorado and the Palisade Plunge Trailhead area.  The proposed effective date of the increased fares is May 15, 2022.

(I)  Shuttle service


                                                            Existing           Proposed         Increase


                                                            Per passenger

Palisade locations to

Palisade Plunge Trailhead                  $29                  $34                  $5.00


Palisade locations to

Powderhorn Mountain

Resort                                                  $24                  $29                  $5.00


Powderhorn Mountain Resort to

Palisade Plunge Trailhead                  $19                  $24                  $5.00


Palisade locations to

Shirttail Point                                      $29                  $34                  $5.00


Palisade locations to

Wild Rose                                           $29                  $34                  $5.00


Powderhorn Mountain Resort to

Shirttail Point                                      $19                  $24                  $5.00


Powderhorn Mountain Resort to

Wild Rose                                           $19                  $39                  $20.00


                                                            Per passenger

                                                            Per mile

                                                            Existing           Proposed         Increase


Shuttle Fares                                       $1.64               $1.99               $0.35


                                                            Minimum charge per mile

                                                            Existing           Proposed         Increase

                                                            $6.56               $7.96               $1.40


                                                            Per mile

                                                            Existing           Proposed         Increase

Charter fares                                       $1.64               $1.99               $0.35

Unless the Colorado Public Utilities Commission suspends the proposed effective date, the proposed changes will become effective on May 15, 2022.  Objections to the proposed tariff changes must be made in writing and filed with the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO  80202, or e-filed in Proceeding No. 22AL-0168TR by May 11, 2022.  If the Commission sets the matter for hearing, the filing of a written objection will not by itself allow a person to participate in the hearing.  To participate in the hearing, a party must also file a written intervention and receive leave of the Commission to intervene.  Requests to intervene as a party must comply with Commission rules.

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©2024 Powderhorn Mountain Resort, 48338 Powderhorn Rd, Mesa, CO 81643

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